Wednesday, May 1, 2019

The 63rd TOPIK II 2019 -Writing Test (PDF+Sample answers) (Unofficial release)

The 63rd TOPIK test was recently held on 2 April 2019 and accidentally made open to the public.

The TOPIK II test composes of 3 different tests that take place in a total of 180 minutes.

The listening test has 50 questions taking in 60 minutes.
The writing test has 4 questions taking in 50 minutes.
The reading test has 50 questions taking in 70 minutes.

See the 63rd TOPIK I - Reading & Listening test here

See the 63rd TOPIK II - Listening test here 

See the 63rd TOPIK II - Reading test here 

Download the 63rd TOPIK II - Writing test PDF here 

OR Practice the 63rd TOPIK II Writing online as below.

The 63rd TOPIK II -Writing Test + Sample answers:

[51~52] 다음을 읽고 ㉠과 ㉡에 들어갈 말을 각각  문장으로 쓰시오. (10)
Read the following and fill in the blank and .


Sample answer
㉠받은 적이 없습니다/받지 못했습니다
㉡기회가   같습니다/기회일  같습니다/기회가 될지도 모릅니다

Key point
- 싶다 = want to do something  
-빼놓지 않다 = not miss, do not fall  
-/ 적이 있다/없다 = have/haven’t experienced something 
-/()  같다 = seems to
-/ 마치다 = end something 
-추억을 만들다 = create memories

음식의 맛은 온도에 따라 느껴지는 정도가 다르다짠맛과 신맛은 낮은 온도에서 강하게 느껴지는 반면 단맛은 조금 높은 온도에서  강하게 느껴진다따라서 과일을 달게 먹고 싶다면 냉장고 밖에 꺼내 두었다가 (             ).  이유는 과일에서 차가운 기운이 사라질수록 단맛이  (                 ).

Sample answer
㉠먹는 것이 좋다
㉡강해지기 때문이다/세지기 때문이다

The taste of the food will vary with temperature. Salty and sour tastes feel stronger at low temperatures, while sweetness feels stronger at slightly higher temperatures. Therefore, if you want to eat sweet fruit, it is best to take the fruit out of the refrigerator and eat it for a while. As the coolness of the fruit gradually disappears, the sweetness becomes stronger.

Key points
- 따라 = depending on  
- 반면 = in contrast, vice versa 
-()ㄹ수록 //여지다 = more … more…
- 것이 좋다 = something better 
- 이유는 ~ - 때문이다 = the reason is that…

[53]다음을 참고하여 ‘화장품 수출액 변화 양상 대한 글을 200~300자로 쓰시오글의 제목을 쓰지 마시오.(30)
Write an essay about 'Change in Cosmetics Exports' in 200-300 characters, taking note of the following: do not write the title of the essay.
Writing mindset
"Changes in cosmetic exports" shown in the survey (the phenomenon should include trends) → Explain the reasons for the changes after 2014 (three reasons need to be connected in series) → Problem points and countermeasures describing this phenomenon (more content, more concise expression)

1) Whether the content is related to the topic, whether it is rich and diverse;
2) Whether appropriate local use of the information given;
3) Whether the composition of the article is logical and organized;
4) Whether vocabulary and grammar are used appropriately and diversely

Sample essay
최근 한국무역협회의 조사에 따르면 화장품 수출액이 2012 12 달러 수준에서 2014 18, 2016 41 달러까지 이른 것으로 나타났다특히 2014년부터 급속히 증가하였는데 이러한 원인은 한류의 인기가 확산되어 한국 미용 산업의 홍보 효과로 이어졌고  덕분에 한국산 화장품을 찾는 사람들이 많아진 것으로 보고 있다그러나  효과가 아시아 지역에 집중 되어 있다는 점은 아쉬운 점이다앞으로 수출 지역의 다변화가 필요한 것으로 보인다.

[54]다음을 주제로 하여 자신의 생각을 600700자로 글을 쓰시오문제를 그대로 옮겨 쓰지 마십시오.(50)
일을   과정을 중시하는 사람이 있는가 하면 일의 성공 여부만을 따질  과정 자체의 의미는 가볍게 여기는 사람이 있다이러한 가치관의 차이는 개인과 사회에 적지 않은 영향을 미친다아래의 내용을 중심으로 ‘결과를 중시하는 가치관의 문제점 대한 자신의 생각을 쓰라.
1. 일의 과정보다 결과를 중시하는 이유는 무엇인가?
2. 일의 결과만을 중시하면 어떤 문제가 생기겠는가?
3. 이러한 문제를 줄일  있는 방법은 무엇인가?

When doing things, there are people who value the process, and others only consider whether the matter is successful or not, and despite the meaning of the process itself. Such differences in values ​​have a lot of influence on individuals and society. Focus on the following content and write your own opinions on the "problems of values that emphasize results".
1. Why is the result more important than the work process?
2. What problems would arise if we focus only on the results of work?
3. How can you reduce these problems?

Writing mindset
The title of this session is actually not new, but it mentions values, individuals, and social content. These tips must be considered when writing. The three areas that need to be written are also very clear. It is important to understand when reviewing the question that this is not an essay question on the two-sidedness (excellence and shortcomings) of a thing. The subject has already defined such values as having problems and needs to be addressed. So you only need to explain the problem point.

(Introduction) reasons for the formation of values that value results → (this theory) problems of this value → (conclusion) solution

1) Whether the content is related to the topic, whether it is rich and diverse
2) Whether the composition of the article is logical and organized
3) Whether vocabulary and grammar are used appropriately and diversely

Sample writing
경쟁 사회가 도래하면서 과거와는 달리 일의 과정보다는 결과만을 강조하는 풍조가 곳곳에서 생겨나고 있다이는 비단 기업뿐만 아니라 교육예술  다양한 분야에 존재한다이러한 현상은 경쟁만이 강조되는 사회적 분위기와 무관하지 않다경쟁을 부추기는 사회가 되면서 사람들이 과정에 집중하기보다는 결과만을 중시하여 타인과의 소통이나 협력은 소홀히 하고 오로지 경쟁에서 이기는 것에만 관심이 집중되어 있는 것이다.

With the advent of a competitive society, unlike the past, the trend of emphasizing results rather than processes breeds everywhere. This is not only found in enterprises, but also in various fields such as education and art. This phenomenon is not unrelated to the social atmosphere that only emphasizes competition. As society becomes more advocating competition, people pay more attention to results than they do, and they ignore communication and cooperation with others and are only interested in winning in competition.

이러한 이유로 사회는 점점 삭막해지고 일을 하는 과정을 통해 얻을  있는 보람이나 의의가 사라져 일에 대한 의욕이 떨어질 뿐만 아니라 쉽게 흥미를 잃게 되는 결과를 초래하게 되었다앞으로 이러한 현상이 계속된다면 사회 속에서 상대를 경쟁자로만 인식하게 되어 좋은 결과를 내기 위해 수단과 방법을 가리지 않게 되고 심지어는 불법적인 일조차 서슴치 않는 일이 계속해서 발생할  있다.

For this reason, society becomes inhuman, and the value and meaning gained through the process of doing things will disappear, and people will not only lose their desire to do things but also easily lose interest in things. If this phenomenon continues in the future, society will identify each other as competitors. In order to obtain good results, there will be no means and methods, and even illegal things will not hesitate to do so, and such things will continue occurring.

그렇기 때문에 우리 모두가 이러한 문제의 심각성을 자각하고 결과보다는 일의 과정 속에서 동기와 목적을 얻고 상대를 경쟁자로 여기는 것이 아니라 소통과 협력을 통해 결과를 만들어   일에 대한 진정한 의미와 보람을 갖게  것이다점점 빠르게 변화하는 사회 속에서 과도한 경쟁에서 벗어나 천천히 여유를 가지고 스스로를 돌아볼  과정과 결과가 조화를 이루는 사회를 만들어   있을 것이다.

Therefore, we all need to be aware of the seriousness of this problem. We must obtain motivation and purpose from the process of doing things. Instead of treating each other as competitors, we must get results through communication and cooperation. In a society that is gradually changing rapidly, getting rid of excessive competition, slowly finding your own calmness, and then returning to self-review, we will find that we can build a society in which both processes and outcomes are harmonious.

[Writing Tips]
* It is very important to seriously review the question and also pay attention when writing:
1. In the big essay, you shouldn’t copy the content of the question. Therefore, you should introduce or propose it in a different way when writing. Don't copy the subject content in the original form.
2. The topic asks for the issue of a certain phenomenon (values). Therefore, it is necessary to introduce this phenomenon at the beginning, and then explain the reason, instead of explaining the reason at the beginning. The final test is actually the expression and thinking power.
3. When you explain the problem, you can extend it from the individual to the society, and carry out the progressive explanation. When you propose the solution, you can start from these two aspects.