How to register a account to join the KIIP program.
Step 1: Visit, and click 회원가입 at the top right corner:
Step 2: Tick in the boxes to accept the website terms, and then click 회원가입/Join
Step 3: Because a security issue, just click ADVANCED in your browser, and then Procced to (unsafe) to continue.
Step 4: Select your suitable options, and fill in the form.
- In the ID section, fill in your ID, and click confirm duplication, then 중복확인. If your ID is available to use, a message like this will appear “koreantopik ”이 아이디는 사용 가능합니다, if not you have to change to another ID. Finally, click the 이 아이디를 사용합니다 button to finish selecting ID.
- In Password section: your password must have at least 9 characters with mixture of character + number + special character
- Press Join to finish registering. If everything is ok, a popup saying that your registration is successful will appear “회원가입되었습니다. 로그인하십시요.”
Congratulation! You successfully created your account to join the KIIP program.